BALLS have appeared on the first 2/4, possibly 3/4 testers. Please take note of this before popping! If you can pluck the balls before they open, flowers will form as normal, and none should re-appear.
If you are interested in running this cultivar regardless of the intersex issue, I would still recommend to run this cultivar alone with no other cultivars as to not risk contamination.
Originally created by Inhouse Genetics, I have decided to continue with the cultivar.
This mother grew exceptionally well under subpar conditions, she didn't require much training, topping and pruning a few times was enough for her to bush out. She didn't get long spear-shaped colas like Phenotype #1, but they were still thick, dense, and heavy. I suspect these plants to yield really well.
The resin on this female is similar to phenotype #1 with a sticky/sandy texture, the resin fell off the flowers like dust.
The smell and taste both matched, and were very similar to phenotype #1.
The effects of phenotype #1 were stronger in my personal opinion, but the resin of the female parent in this plant was still of great quality.